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Forging the Heart/Head Alliance

Does your brain stomp on your dreams? Have you ever let a dream out into the light, only to find your mind immediately squelching it with a million reasons why it's not logical, reasonable, or rational.

If so, you're in good company. Many people fall into the trap of making entirely "head-based" decisions about their careers...and in doing so they wind up feeling unfulfilled and stuck.

Their heart is missing from the equation.

Imagine if you took a risk and really gave your heart a voice.And I don't mean throwing “reality” to the side and looking at the future through rose colored glasses.

Giving your heart a voice isn't about sticking your head in the sand. It's about giving equal validity to what your heart has to say, and not letting your brain cut down your dreams when they could have flown given half a chance.

Forging the Heart/Head Alliance doesn't just mean giving your heart a voice, it also entails a shift in the role of your head. When in it comes to your dreams, your brain can play one of two roles.

The all too common role is to provide you with endless reasons why you can't do it (the infamous "I can't because..."). The other possibility is putting that same energy towards asking yourself, "How can I make this happen? What are the pitfalls (because there will *always* be pitfalls)? How can I find my way around them?"

Clearly, there are factors that you need to take into consideration as you pursue your passion. In fact, ignoring the landscape is a great way to fail. Your brain is there to help keep you safe. Let it play its role. But don't let it run out of control.

Next time you find yourself saying, "I can't because," stop a moment and flip it on its head. Start developing a habit of saying instead, "I could, and this is how."

Creating a strong Heart/Head Alliance has the potential to be immensely powerful if you let it. Listening to your heart shows you the path that's right for you. Listening to your head offers you a perspective on the best way to make it happen, and helps you avoid trouble.

Your heart and your head were meant to work in synch, to complement each other. Together they can help you achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Take a look at the decisions you are making right now about your path into the future. Are they lopsided? Is your head running roughshod over your heart?

What would your world look like if your heart got equal play, and your head supported your dreams? The decision is yours. You can choose to make it happen.


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